Asalewa Yoruba Community


This community page is for

– People who want an avenue to learn Yorùbá words daily with a coach to guide them.

– People who understand the language but lack an environment to practice it daily.

– People who are struggling to understand the structure of the language and seek for a community to guide them daily.

– People who really want to be a confident speaker of Yoruba language.

– And for foreigners who are interested in learning Yoruba language.

This community is created to help you practice Yorùbá language daily and to build your confidence in Yorùbá language.

This community will help you to connect to your root and get a better knowledge of who you are and most importantly gain an understanding of the Yorùbá culture, tradition, and history as you learn and practice Yoruba language as a tool of communication.

Join the community and get a free Yoruba Ebook $200/£170/₦150,000

USD Payment

NGN payment

For Pounds Payment: £170 

Account holder: Asalewa Yoruba Center For Distance Learning
Sort code: 23-14-70
Account number: 16029279
IBAN: GB85 TRWI 2314 7016 0292 79
Wise’s address: 56 Shoreditch High Street
E1 6JJ
United Kingdom

Refund policy